Hey everyone, welcome back to “When I’m 64”! Remember that YouTube channel I’m building? Well, turns out that takes time to make money. So, Challenge Number Two: Write and publish an eBook on Amazon! Hopefully more than one book if I can create a system.

Someone reading an e-book on Kindle

Can I actually pull this off? I’ve NEVER written a book before! My goal is 100 sales in six months, and like always, I’ve got a $500 budget for the whole thing.

The Challenge in Detail:

Write & publish a non-fiction e-Book on Amazon KDP that sells a 100 copies

Timeframe: Write & publish in 6 weeks – Started 1st March 2024 – publish by 14th April 2024

Sell 100 copies in 6 months (from date of publishing on Amazon KDP)

What is my skill level: Beginner, I have never written a book, although I have written a few articles and content materials for my website and some blog posts. I have used several graphic and image editing programs so I am probably a novice. I am a novice user of AI programs which I will be using to help write the book.

Budget: I have set a maximum budget of $500

Restrictions: No paid media advertising to promote the book, operate within all copyright and Amazon guidelines, use free images and software where possible.  

Rewards for Success:

Personal: I will shout my partner & I to a weekend away together by the beach

Penalty for failure: Why don’t you the reader make me some suggestions and I will choose one punishment from the comments.

Donation for failure: $25 donated to charity.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG):  Get two books published that sell 100 copies within 8 months

Help me with this challenge: I’m currently looking for people to review the book when it is finished so if you want a FREE copy of my book send me an email at whenimsixty4ormore@gmail.com and I will a link for how you can get you copy.

You can also keep an eye out for my  When I’m Sixty Four Youtube Channel which will go live soon to see how things are progressing with all my challenges.

So Here’s what I need to figure out I will need to do:

  • Finding a Profitable Topic: What do I know enough to write about? And what will people actually BUY?
  • The Writing Part: Can I use AI to write a book that people will want to read. Turns out there’s more to it than just stringing words together.
  • E-Book templates & design: – What software can I use to create and build my e-book, where can I get the images and other assets I need to make the book eye-catching and engaging.   
  • Cover Design: Gotta make it eye-catching without breaking the bank.
  • Amazon Rules: Listing the book, pricing, all that confusing stuff.
  • Marketing: Do I have to become a social media wizard just to sell a book?

So, will this end up as a bestseller, or will I be giving away free copies to my family? Stick around and find out!

If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a non-fiction book, share those ideas in the comments. And if you want to stay up to date on progress register for my newsletter which will ensure you get the latest blogs from “When I’m Sixty Four”

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